I’ll say I do when I’m me and you’re you
In this special Valentine’s Day edition, we meet Verity Mansfield, Relationship Coach and extraordinary woman with a powerful message about love, sex, romance and marriage. We talk about how to make your relationship juicy and your marriage even juicier!
8 years ago Verity found herself collapsed on the bottom of the shower floor, hoping the noise of the thundering water would drown out her gut-wrenching hysterical sobbing, so her kids wouldn’t hear her fall apart. She didn’t feel broken. She felt destroyed. Her marriage was falling apart. The kids were not getting the best of their mother. Her workplace was sucking the life out of her. She felt disappointed, disconnected and dead inside. Something had to give or Verity0 was going to explode. So she hit the ‘red’ button. You know the one they say only to hit in an emergency? Verity walked out of her marriage, out of an international fashion career and without looking back plunged into the darkness of the unknown with two toddlers, a mortgage and $136 cash.
In that moment, Verity broke the “good girls rules” and chose a life of integrity and authenticity. With the wisdom of hindsight and a successful career as a Relationship Coach, Verity shares from a real place to inspire everyone listening in this episode to enjoy juicy relationships- with yourself, with others and whether you choose marriage… or not.
Verity can be stalked on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/abeautifultruth/ or join her private group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/romanticrelationshiprevolution/ or stalk Verity on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/a_beautiful_truth/ or check out her website complete with freebies at https://www.veritymansfield.com/.
Verity can be reached via messenger on Facebook or via email at verity@veritymansfield.com.
Verity produces a podcast with Ashleigh Rae called Good Girls Don’t Podcast and it is always a great listen! Listen in here: https://goodgirlsdontpodcast.libsyn.com
Books mentioned:
“How to Love: Who best to love and How best to love” by Gordon Livingston MD
“The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate” by Gary Chapman.